
The custom of marriage by capture Achang

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Achang young men and women often use production, festivals and other gatherings to choose a spouse, the establishment of feelings; next man will often go to the Gu Niangjia "string girl." "String of girls," almost all the time in the evening. By then, bridesmaid dresses the young man in the window the girl blows gourd sheng, sweet melodious tunes to pass the love of the girl. The girl heard the familiar tune, identified as his beloved lover, they immediately went out to welcome him into the house. At this time, the girl's parents, brothers wish to avoid. When the house left with only the couple, they sometimes quietly-spoken, sometimes duet songs. Time gradually passing away, had the sun rise rising from the horizon, they only reluctantly separated.
About marriage by private
Abducting a person is Achang an ancient way of marriage. A pair of lovers deep feelings after Benedict, in accordance with the habit of Achang man must employ media Yueqin. However, if the woman's parents were declined, and not willing to give up a pair of lovers, he privately agreed time and place, by men abducting. To the agreed date, usually a dozen men gather a good friend of the woman's partner came to the village, the girl is estimated that when the loved one has come to "take" her place will be an excuse to contract out of the village. At this time the boys hide in the girl suddenly appeared in front of the girl without any explanation on the ground before lifting it away. Girl In such situations do not panic, but that was looted in order, will be shouted for help, in fact, this call for help only to parents and the village said they had been snatched it. Parents and the villagers heard the cries for help, they rush came and found that evening dresses not only rob marriage of all smart tough, but the large number of their own strength alone can not snatch away the woman. Shouting woman's parents had no choice but to several more, the villagers only to catch some bravado Road, expressed her sympathy for the parents. At this time, the ranks of abducting a woman to protect the gradually leave.
Not study the past
Grab the girl entered the man's door, the man on firecrackers, abducting a success and congratulated the wedding began. Then the ceremony at weddings, so the girl wrapped in a high header that has been married, no one will go right to marry. The ceremony was held the day or the next morning, the man come to fear the woman question, or trouble at home, and quietly led his wife to relatives far away from home temporarily hide in the mountains or forests, until the woman was forced to agree with my parents Concerning marriage date, only get back together. Back home after the woman shall go through the wedding formalities, sent home to the woman employed Jincai Li and dowry, the two sides will let bygones be bygones, mutual exchanges, intimacy, as if that part never happened like unpleasant things.
Night marry the bride
In the past, Lianghe area generally Achang to marry the bride and groom in the middle of the night to pick up. Accompanied by the bridesmaids to the bride out of the village, met cocktail dresses the groom, the maid of honor back to the village. Accompanied by the bride and groom down to the groom's family. The time they reached the door, must be the moment in the sun just rising. They believe that this will be good luck, later on in life will be as vibrant as the sunrise. Back from the bride, the newlyweds in the hall preparing for the wedding is, and Bese parental upbringing. Parents blessing for newlyweds say the words. The ceremony is completed, weddings. Wedding, relatives and neighbors congratulated the newlyweds Quanzhai happy.

